note that all prices are in €, not $!
interested in something else?
Price pending - depends on what it will be?Message me and just ask! Preferably give me examples of what you have in mind
chibi fullbody
30€chibi style fullbody of your character

30€page with at least 2 fullbody sketches of your character

Headshot(slightly shaded, about 300x300 pixel)

sketchy experimental
These are experimental; meaning they might not look like the example image - to give me more artistic freedom. There can be changes with anything, such as different line colors etc. The overall feel, will however be the same.

3D sculpt
+65€ baseprice
only headshot, (hard surface questionable, depends on complexity)Price depends on design/creaturesculpt + texturing + render

Design or redesign
fullbodyyou will have to provide me with a list of information of what you want for the design

This is a legally binding document. By commissioning me you expressly understand and agree to the Terms of service and conditions provided in this document.It is the client's job to read this T.O.S. and understand them, therefore agree with them before commissioning me. If any rule is broken action will be taken and may result in a blacklist
(you will not be able to commission or buy from me again.)
These terms will be updating time to time - in case of drastic changes that would impact
past commissioners before, you will be updated.
If there is dissatisfaction after the commission is completed, I take no responsibility and
will not refund as it can be avoided by reading the TOS fully.
-Current update: 09.02.2023-
Please have your funds ready when commissioning me!
I take full payment upfront via PayPal invoicing and ONLY PayPal invoicing (priority Euro, USD),
unless we specifically agreed on another form of payment.♢ I do not take crypto currency or currency used on specific sites (ex. amino coins, dA points).
♢ All funds must be paid upon agreement and before the commission is started.
♢ Illegaly filing a charge-back on Paypal after completion will result in me contacting Paypal personally.
(Paypal's invoice T.O.S. section will force a refund to me as well as grant you a ban and possibly termination of your account).
I am able to decline any commission!
♢ I will decline any commission I deem inappropriate, ill-intended, offensive or what I would not be able to finish properly in a certain timespan.
♢ Anything racist, lgbtphobic, bigoted, illegal, heavily religious and harmful ideologies etc. fall into this category and will be declined without question.
♢ If I cannot start a commission that has already been paid for, you will receive a full refund.
♢ If I have already started and am in the process, the client will not be able to receive a refund or will only receive a partial refund, but only if the client themselves declines the paid commission.
You will also, of course, receive whatever WIP of the commission I have so far.
Commission process!
♢ When commissioning me, please state exactly what you wish for. After-fixes and additional information not mentioned beforehand may cost extra.
♢ I will only fix minor things on the final piece in the timespan of 14 days after it's finalization
- after that I will decline changes.
This is exempt from me missing, for example, a character's marking which I will fix without extra pay
(though only after notice & agreement and in the timespan of 14 days time after finalization of the piece).
Fixes will not apply (or will be charged to change) to things such as personal character design changes that deviate from the agreed upon character sheet, complex addons, change of posture or scenery and generally larger changes that were not agreed upon etc. if the piece is already in a certain stage of progress.
♢ Relay ALL details of the commission before we agree on a price. If you want to change ANYTHING after we already agreed on a price and you've paid, I will increase the price accordingly (based on current progress and amount of time I may need to apply changes), for any specifications that might have been added to the commission details.
♢ I generally deliver a sketch phase beforehand for the client to confirm the details before I proceed.
♢ During sketching process, you may ask for revisions and changes without extra pay, unless the total amount of time you have asked for bigger changes (such as different character positions or scenery) exceeds 5 revisions.
♢ I recommend providing me with a reference sheet picture and not multiple commissioned pictures/written descriptions, for a more accurate finished piece. (Price may rise if working off description; this doesn't apply for custom designs, of course.)
Character ownership!
♢ The character that will be commissioned must belong to you or you must have permission to be allowed to commission them. If you plan on gifting a commission from me to someone else, you must have their permission to commission their character.
Due dates!
♢ If there is a specific date or timeframe that the commission needs to be completed in, the client
must tell me before we agree on the commission itself.
(I may or may not be able to complete it, so it is better to ask!)
Adaptation to my style!
♢ Please take note that any characters that are usually drawn in a certain style (ex. MLP or sonic characters) will be adapted to my own style.
♢ At the moment, I am not open to commissions being drawn in another style other than my own/what you see in my gallery unless I am allowed to go experimental, but that must be stated beforehand. (this does not mean I will copy off another style however).
Re-posting artwork!
♢ You are allowed to re-post the art piece in your gallery or other sites,
if you are the client/commissioner and you must credit me.
♢ You are not however, allowed to sell or redistribute my content for monetary gain or use it for commercial means unless you receive written (and contracted) permission from me.
♢ You are allowed to post commissioned work on
Credit me under "SpikedSpy".
♢ If you do not want your commission to be posted publicly by me,
you must state so before I begin the piece! Sometimes I work fast and need to know this before I start.
I usually post wips and finished works to Deviantart, Twitter and private/public discord servers.
Finished pieces!
♢ I will not always post the commission online or post it as a stand-alone piece, it might end up in a bundle with other commissions on a bigger sheet or will not be posted in my galleries at all, so I condone you to save the separate image in each case, once you receive the artwork via discord DM, email etc. (after some time these images may get deleted and I will not be able to retrieve the work.)
♢ The final piece sent will always be full resolution.
♢ I also retain the right to use commissioned work in my portfolio and other sheets.
Editing my artwork!
♢ Please let me know beforehand if you (the client) plan on editing a piece I've made for you. Adding markings, changing proportions etc. fall into this category.
♢ I will 99% of the time allow it, but I would really appreciate knowing beforehand.
Resizing or cropping (for an icon or such) is acceptable without permission.
♢ If you are editing a commission, please save the original image somewhere
and state that the edited piece is, indeed, edited.
Age for commissioning!
♢ By ordering anything from me, you agree that you are above the age of 18+ or have parental permission and guidance to pay.
Wait time!
♢ A commission usually takes me from a few days up to two months to complete. (It COMPLETELY depends on my free time and motivation! - this is just an estimate. You are free to ask for an estimate!)
♢ If a month has passed, feel free to DM me and ask me about the progress (not counting big commissioned bundles.)
♢ Waiting time on artist's side:
In case of unresponsiveness from the client's side, after the commission was started, (but is not yet finished), I will attempt contact multiple (at least 3 times) within 4 months. If the client does not respond after 4 months of the timeframe of the agreed upon commission, I will consider the commission cancelled. No refund.
♢ While I take most of my commissions over online social networks (Twitter, tumblr,, I will also allow discord DM-s, for easier communication.
♢ If you are commissioning big bundles, or a bigger piece, such as a reference sheet, please feel free to note me your Discord tag and I will add you for faster communication.